A team of professionals who defines specific communication objectives side by side with the client and works accordingly to them


To comprehend and embrace linguistic differences and shades is a day-to-day activity, like knowing the internal procedures and practices of international companies


Experience, knowledge, capabilities and all the set of consolidated relationships with media representatives are made available to the client with the utmost transparency


Marco Messori

Marco gained experience working in companies directly liked or part of primary national and international groups operating within the insurance, banking and financial services sectors. He founded Mymediarelation in February 2010.


He is a Milanese born and bred, married with Rita. Passionate about food and wine, he has a particular preference for traditional cuisine. Order, method and Swiss precision are his working values, while he lets his rush go when he drives. He enjoys travelling. An animal-lover, he adores Zenzero, his Italian greyhound.

Elena Filippi

After being part of the communication team at the British Consulate General in Milan during and right after EXPO 2015, she consolidated her experience as content editorwithin the Class Editori group. She joined Mymediarelation in March 2017.

Elena Soffientini

After completing studies and some educational experience abroad, started in PR and event management area at one of Milan’s principal communication agencies focused in the third sector. Joined Mymediarelation’s team in March 2020.


From Padova, she is the youngest of the team. She never misses the topics to make a conversation interesting. Always smiling and positive. Her energy derives from a lifestyle dedicated to sports and training. Playing volleyball she learned a lot, teamwork included. 


From the hinterland of Milan, curious to know new person and culture. Love to travel using books, movies and theatre performances, her three big passions. Sees potential in every old objects and love to give new life to them with a restyling.

Veronica Furiano

After gaining experience in the banking sector, working in the development of marketing activities for a leading Maltese bank, she decided for a change and fully steps into the world of communication. She joined Mymediarelation in January 2022.

Marzia Coppola

A Specialised translation student, she translates into and from English and French. After some experiences in the editorial field, focusing on fashion and economics projects, she steps into the financial world joining MyMediarelation in June 2022.

Chiara Rapelli

After ending studies in Language Mediation, a short period abroad and some working experiences, including teaching, she comes back in the world of communication, her first interest. She joined Mymediarelation in July 2023.


From Naples by birth and from Milan by adoption for more than a decade. She likes to enjoy good food and socialize. Friendly and cheerful, she loves travelling and is strongly drawn to shopping, but her greatest passion continues to be animals.


Born in Calabria, she studied first in Bologna and then in Milan, where she plans to stay and build up her future. Curious, she always looking for new perspectives, she likes to put herself to the test and learn from challenges. In her spare time, she loves writing down her thoughts and translating other’s.


From the hinterland of Milan, she's into travels and foreign languages. She loves nightlife, visiting exhibitions, going to the cinema and to concerts. Although really stubborn, she likes swapping ideas and discussing with colleagues and friends.

Roberto Rossi

Economic and Legal background with thirty years of experience in investment banking in international groups, trading and financial companies. Soft skills: communication and education. He has been collaborating with Mymediarelation since 2018.


From Milan, he loves nature and its sense of freedom. Pragmatic and reflective, for decades he has been worked in finance and he still likes to talk about it. If he's not writing, he's drawing, if he's not drawing, he's painting and every time he can he escapes to the countryside to take care of his olive trees. 

Elena Filippi

After being part of the communication team at the British Consulate General in Milan during and right after EXPO 2015, she consolidated her experience as content editorwithin the Class Editori group. She joined Mymediarelation in March 2017.


From Padova, she is the youngest of the team. She never misses the topics to make a conversation interesting. Always smiling and positive. Her energy derives from a lifestyle dedicated to sports and training. Playing volleyball she learned a lot, teamwork included.

Elena Soffientini

After completing studies and some educational experience abroad, started in PR and event management area at one of Milan’s principal communication agencies focused in the third sector. Joined Mymediarelation’s team in March 2020.


From the hinterland of Milan, curious to know new person and culture. Love to travel using books, movies and theatre performances, her three big passions. Sees potential in every old objects and love to give new life to them with a restyling.

Veronica Furiano

Dopo aver maturato una consolidata esperienza nel settore bancario, occupandosi dello sviluppo di attività di marketing per una primaria realtà maltese, cambia rotta e intraprende la strada della comunicazione. Entra in Mymediarelation nel gennaio 2022.


From Naples by birth and from Milan by adoption for more than a decade. She likes to enjoy good food and socialize. Friendly and cheerful, she loves travelling and is strongly drawn to shopping, but her greatest passion continues to be animals.

Marzia Coppola

A Specialised translation graduate, she translates into and from English and French. After some experiences in the editorial field, focusing on fashion and economics projects, she steps into the financial world joining MyMediarelation in June 2022.


Calabrese di nascita, ha studiato prima a Bologna e poi a Milano, dove pensa di fermarsi per consolidare il suo futuro. Curiosa di  natura e alla continua ricerca di nuove prospettive. Le piace imparare dalle sfide. Nel tempo libero ama scrivere i suoi pensieri e tradurre quelli altrui.

Chiara Rapelli

After ending studies in Language Mediation, a short period abroad and some working experiences, including teaching, she comes back in the world of communication, her first interest. She joined Mymediarelation in July 2023.


Originaria della “bassa milanese” è appassionata di viaggi e lingue straniere. Ama la movida, visitare mostre, andare al cinema e ai concerti. Anche se fondamentalmente caparbia, le piace scambiare idee e confrontarsi con colleghi e amici.

Roberto Rossi

Economic and Legal background with thirty years of experience in investment banking in international groups, trading and financial companies. Soft skills: communication and education. He has been collaborating with Mymediarelation since 2018.


From Milan, he loves nature and its sense of freedom. Pragmatic and reflective, for decades he has been worked in finance and he still likes to talk about it. If he's not writing, he's drawing, if he's not drawing, he's painting and every time he can he escapes to the countryside to take care of his olive trees.

If you're not failing every now and again,
it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative

Allan Stewart Königsberg, aka Woody Allen